However, there are several other possible reasons for bleeding in between periods (NHS 2019b). Many women do indeed experience light bleeding in very early pregnancy (often known as implantation bleeding) (Willacy 2021). You might also wonder whether you're pregnant if you've experienced spotting or bleeding between periods. Learn more about what causes late periods and when to see your GP. other medical conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes or thyroid problems (NHS 2019a).menopause (particularly if you're over 45).But if you're usually regular, and your period doesn't arrive on time, it could be down to: Some women naturally have an irregular period, which can be longer or shorter each month, or heavier or lighter each time (NHS 2019a).
Read on to find out what could make you feel pregnant when you're not. There's probably another explanation for the symptoms you're experiencing, such as premenstrual syndrome (PMS) (Willacy 2021). Could there be another reason for my symptoms?If you've waited until after your period was due, and multiple tests have come up negative, it's unlikely that you're pregnant (NHS 2022a). If you're not sure whether this could apply to you, speak to your GP. However, certain medications can affect pregnancy test results (NHS 2022a).
All pregnancy tests are different, so check the instructions carefully before using one (the information leaflet inside the pack should also tell you how sensitive the test is) (NHS 2022a).Ī pregnancy test will work as usual if you're on the contraceptive pill (NHS 2022a). This is why most experts recommend waiting for a few days to a week before testing again, giving the hCG in your body time to build up to detectable levels (NHS 2022a, Willacy 2021). These types of tests can only detect up to two-thirds of pregnancies on the first day of a missed period (Willacy 2021). Other pregnancy tests are less sensitive and will only detect hCG in your pee at higher levels. Research suggests that these types of tests can detect 97% of pregnancies on the first day of a missed period when used correctly (Willacy 2021). Some very sensitive pregnancy tests can detect very low levels of hCG.
After conception, it takes time for hCG to rise to a level detectable by a pregnancy test (NHS 2022a, Willacy 2021). How do pregnancy tests work?Home pregnancy tests detect the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in your urine (NHS 2022a, Willacy 2021). Most false negative pregnancy tests happen because the test was taken too early (Willacy 2021). Although many pregnancy test brands claim to be 99% accurate, this is based on users taking the test at the right time and following the instructions exactly (NHS 2022a, Willacy 2021). How common are false negative pregnancy tests?It's hard to say. If a second, later test is still negative, but you still think you could be pregnant, speak to your GP (NHS 2022a). If you've just had one negative result, you could try waiting for at least a few days (ideally a week) before testing again, just to be sure (NHS 2022a, Willacy 2021). Can a pregnancy test be wrong?It is possible to get a false negative pregnancy test (where the test says you're not pregnant, even though you are), particularly if you've tested before your period is due (NHS 2022a). If you feel as though you’re pregnant but got a negative home pregnancy test result, your symptoms could be down to premenstrual syndrome (PMS) (Willacy 2021), or you may have taken the test too early (NHS 2022a).